Sunday, November 8, 2009

Round 4: Day 22: Yoga

Yesterday was beautiful: sunny and 14°. I figured that it would be the last time I'd get an opportunity to play some tennis this year, so I cajoled my son into dusting off our equipment and we headed over to the local public court to hit it around. I employed some of the P90X stretching techniques prior to starting our match, but my left hip flexor felt a little stiff. I believed that after some gentle warm-up, my leg and hip would come around, but they never really did. I played stiffly for about 45 minutes before retiring. What a let-down. I was so enthusiastic heading into the match, but my Plyometrics training didn't come through for me. Of course, my son was particularly jubilant, having beaten the old man into submission. Me? Well, it was one of those tail between the legs days; one of those days where I just didn't have it. Hopefully those days will be few and far between.

This morning, I was up bright and early (no extra points in my house for that) to commence Day 1 of Recovery Week. I slipped in the yoga disc (Fountain of Youth), and still felt sore and energy-depleted from yesterday. Perhaps my diet is a bit off, or perhaps I wasn't sufficiently hydrated. I felt like I was fighting with my body and with the workout the whole time. There was definite stiffness still in my left hip. This eased somewhat over the course of the workout, but I can still feel it now, as I write. I'm sure that this will pass over the next few days. I guess it's a good thing this is Recovery Week.

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