Monday, November 9, 2009

Round 4: Day 23: Core Synergistics

Why is it that Recovery Week is so tough? Because workouts like Core Synergistics are included. I'm always slightly self-delusional about how easy Recovery Week is going to be because the week starts out with Yoga (which wasn't so easy yesterday), but immediately becomes more challenging the following two days with core and cardio work. I'll chalk it up to muscle confusion. The muscles used for resistance training get a break, but others are employed in the meantime. I'll trust the program and assume that the rest is necessary for the repair of micro-tears in muscle tissue related to resistance training, but there's no mercy for other muscle groups. So far, it seems to have worked, so I won't complain. I'd like to, but I won't.

Core Synergistics is still difficult. I worked through the entire workout today without needing to pause the tape, but there were times when I felt that a pause would have been beneficial. This workout moves at a fairly rapid pace, and the design of the order of the moves is rather unrelenting. My usual rant about having Plank to Chataranga Run followed immediately by Walking Push-ups still holds here. During Walking Push-ups, I kept reminding myself that you can do anything for 30 seconds. Unfortunately, the exercise lasts 60 seconds so, I had to convince myself twice. This combination of moves is still the most difficult I've encountered in any disc of P90X, P90X+ or One on One. I did manage to soldier through it, completing all of the Chataranga Runs, a move which I find particularly tough.

As usual, I skipped the Dreya Rolls, as I'm always a bit nervous that the move will injure my neck and I don't feel that's worth the trouble, so I fast-forward to the final three moves. Overall, still a great and challenging workout.

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