Wednesday, October 7, 2009

P90X+: Round 3: Day 81: Yoga

I missed Yoga last week, as I took a bit of time off to recover from an ailing stomach. As a result, it's been 2 weeks since I last really stretched out.

I was feeling a bit tight this morning, likely from yesterday's Total Body workout. Specifically, my legs and glutes needed a good stretch. It's surprising, and somewhat disturbing, that my body can become so tight within such a short period of time. During my time off, my neck, legs, glutes, shoulders and back all became a bit stiff, and in some cases, somewhat sore. It only serves to reinforce the importance of consistent exercise and consistent stretching.

So, yoga was most welcome today. The routine moved quickly, and I was very focussed on stretching out specific parts of my body. Warrior 1, Warrior 2 and Warrior 3 were terrific. I got a great stretch all along the side of my body during Warrior 3. I've been thinking that during my early rounds of P90X, I didn't think so much about what the particular pose was supposed to accomplish. Now, I'm much more aware of that, and I'm going deep into my poses, concentrating on the stretch, and focussing on breathing through any discomfort. It's all good.


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