Monday, November 12, 2012

P90X: Day 2: Plyometrics

I didn't sleep well last night, as Plyometrics was on my mind. I have time constraints in the mornings, when I like to work out, and I knew I had to get up and moving immediately if I hoped to get showered and in to work at a decent hour. So, my mental alarm clock kept going off, and I finally got out of bed around 5:55AM, and immediately started hopping around.

The workout was more intense on my quads than I recalled, but my legs are a bit weak these days, having spent most of the summer running as my cardio workouts. Running does not give you the explosive leg power that comes by doing Plyometric exercises. I managed to complete the workout without pausing, but definitely felt it in my legs most of the day. I also felt a bit of soreness in my chest and back from yesterday's workout. I think that Week 1 might be a challenge. Of course, it does get easier with time. I'm also feeling the after-effects from yesterday's Ab Ripper X routine in my gut. I guess I hit the right places.

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