Monday, January 25, 2010

Round 5: Day 2: Interval X Plus

I'm a little disappointed in myself, because I ate somewhat poorly over the weekend. On both Saturday and Sunday nights, I had pasta, which resulted in a nasty, overstuffed feeling. I've really been trying to cut down on grain products, and this past weekend was a regression. I'm going to be more vigilant regarding food. Not ridiculous, because I recognize that you've got to make concessions every now and then, but overall, more vigilant.

While I've been toying (dreaming?) with the idea of working Insanity workouts into my fitness routine on cardio days, I ultimately decided to defer the purchase and alternate Interval X Plus with Plyometrics, so that during a typical 13 week Round, I'll do each workout 5 times. Today started with Interval X Plus. This means that for now, I'm shelving Cardio Intervals from the One on One series, and will severely curtail the use of Super Cardio during this Round. My objective is to intensify the cardio portion of my regimen.

I've never been able to say that I've mastered this workout. For some time, I've been able to go through the first round of exercises without taking a break, then through the second round, also without taking a break. The issue is the break between the rounds. I've always taken a slightly extended break between rounds, due to an elevated heart rate. My body is telling me to stop and allow my heart rate to drop a little. I'd like to take just the 60 second break and get back to the workout, but to date, my mind has said "no". This is a situation I'd like to change over the next few weeks. I'd like to break through the mental barrier, and force my body to take the short rest, followed by the return trip. When I'm successful doing that for a number of workouts, then perhaps I'll be better prepared to get into Insanity.

My nemesis is Carlito 3-way Pushups. They're not particularly difficult to do technically, but I find that doing them for a minute is exerting. The problem has been that one minute's rest following this exercise has not been sufficient for me, considering I have to repeat this exercise immediately following the break. I plan to work hard to beat that issue. I realize that cardio work isn't really my thing. I prefer resistance days to cardio days; however, change results when you do what you're NOT good at. So, I persist. It's just another obstacle in my path to climb over. With a good attitude, I'm sure I can master this workout. Eventually.


The Awesometeer said...

I am about to start the program next week and am so excited. Are you not sticking to the nutrition plan that goes along with p90x? Also are there rest periods inserted in the videos?

gp said...


I haven't stuck religiously with the P90X nutrition plan; however, I do eat extremely cleanly. I've eliminated all baked goods, ice cream, cookies, soda pop, sugar, chocolate, cakes, candies, alcohol (with the exception of a glass of scotch or red wine every now and then), and most grains from my diet. I've been following Mark Sisson's Primal Blueprint for the last few months, and have been really enjoying the boost in my energy level and have found it to have positive effects on my body.

There are some rest periods built into the P90X videos. If you need a longer rest period, hit the pause button, catch your breath, and then jump back into the fray. Go at your own pace, challenge yourself, and eventually you'll be able to keep up.

Good luck!
