Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Round 4: Day 66: Diamond Delts

It soon became evident this morning that there was very little gas in the tank. It's a shame, too, because I was really looking forward to this workout. I noticed fatigue during the first three exercises, which obviously is not a good sign. I really felt it during the exercises where you press the dumbbells over your head. My numbers today were not matching those of a few weeks ago, so I made an adjustment and decreased the weight, in order to squeeze out a few more repetitions. At least I'm learning something. If you can't do the weight, do more repetitions.

The workout actually went pretty well overall. I was not up to completing the bonus round I had established for myself the last time out, but I did manage to complete the basic workout. It's probably going to take a few more times before I really establish myself with this workout, feel comfortable, and really focus.

One thing that's abundantly clear is that my left shoulder is weaker than my right. On several exercises, I was barely able to lift the dumbbell over my head using my left arm, while my right arm felt strong and capable of pumping away. I don't want to employ unbalanced weights (lighter on the left, heavier on the right), so I stopped the exercise when my left shoulder was done. I'll make an enquiry on the P90X board to see whether that's a reasonable approach, or whether I should explore using unbalanced weights.

Clearly, I have some work to do on my shoulders. I'm glad I've got this workout in the regimen.

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