I don't have any major complaints about this workout. The reason it intimidates me is three-fold: prison cell pushups, plank to chataranga run, and walking pushups. Each on its own is manageable; plank to chataranga run, immediately followed by walking pushups is my nemesis. I can't think of a more gruelling combination in P90X or P90X+ than those two. Prison cell pushups are just plain nasty. I always get off to a quick start, but fade down the stretch, and by the time the exercise is over, I'm extremely thankful. Other than those exercises, Core Synergistics is pretty much a breeze. But those three tend to colour the entire workout for me.
I'd have to say that overall, CS is a tougher workout than Mammoth UML, but perhaps both have their place in a typical Recovery Week. I'll be evaluating that as time goes on. My objective for the next round is to continue to challenge myself. Because I'm deviating from a standard program, I want to make sure that I don't baby myself. If anything, I want to make life harder than easier. After all, that is the essence of Bringing It.
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