Wednesday, July 8, 2009

P90X+: Round 3: Day 4: Yoga

I had a difficult time falling asleep last night. The Toronto Blue Jays dropped a difficult game to the Tampa Bay Rays in 11 innings, a game which definitely was within reach for the good guys. As a result, with the game on my mind, I was restless and didn't drop off until after 1AM, leaving a painfully short time for decent REM sleep. I woke up this morning on the groggy side, and wasn't particularly in the mood for 92 minutes of Yoga X. So, I opted for Fountain of Youth. Even then, it took me about 45 minutes to get my act together and press play.

But press play I did. The more I do this workout, the more I like it. I like the increased level of Tony's instruction and the intensity he has when performing the various moves. What seemed like simple moves on Yoga X (crescent pose, warrior 1) are explained in greater depth, resulting in greater focus. When in crescent pose, I'm now really concentrating on straightening the rear leg and getting a big stretch out of my upraised arms, with my front leg tracking straight out over my middle toe and my forward knee bent to a 90° angle, then breathing. The sweat rolls.

As a result of my recent tumble from my bicycle a few weeks ago (the bruise that ate Manhatten is fading nicely, thanks for asking) my left side is a bit stiffer than my right. Enter Yoga. This is the best exercise I can think of to straighten out my body and cure my ills.

Again, a great workout.

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